About Us


Alliance for Land Right South Sudan (ALRSS) is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-political organization that was formed in December 2016 by eight (8) members of civil society organizations from the four (4) states of Bahr El Ghazal. Later in 2018-19 three (3) CSOs members were admitted to the Alliance to make the total of 11 CSOs members in addition to 36 CSOs members that are not legally registered with ALRSS but they support our activities indirectly within the 4 states of Bahr El Ghazal region. ALRSS is registered by the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) in Juba, South Sudan. The head office is in Wau and sub-offices are in Aweil, Warrap, and Rumbek for coordination of the alliance’s activities.

Our Mission

To promote and strengthen the capacity and capability of society members on land rights and governance, advocating for proper land policy and promoting dialogue amongst land stakeholders

Our purpose

The Purpose of ALRSS is to focus on all members of society as a complement to the government and other stakeholders working together to reduce land-related disputes in Urban and Rural Areas of South Sudan

Our Vision

South Sudan without land disputes

Our Motto

Land is Our Resource

Core Value

  • Commitment, Accountability, and Transparency

  • Honesty, Integrity, and Sincerity

  • Cost Consciousness and Sound management of resource

  • Concern for the Environment

  • Quality Services

  • Creativity and Innovation